1 Chronicles 20:2 David took the crown from the head of their (enemy’s) king… gold and precious stones… and it was placed on David’s head.

Matthew 27:29 They twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on His head.

Matthew 27:37b This is Jesus, King of the Jews.


Crowns. Presumably, everybody knows what a crown is and what it represents; a personal glory, reserved only for the select few? After all, there’s only one who can be king.

David was the king of Israel, so naturally when they defeated their enemy, the seized crown of gold and precious stones would adorn David’s head. This bestowed honor goes hand in hand with birthright, the ‘right’ that accompanies the birthday. Interesting word - ‘birthright.’ What about the American's right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, a Declaration of Independence for those living in a free country?

Isn’t every American the king of his/her own castle? A right to this life of liberty and happiness bumps up against the crown of thorns, representation of a kingdom that doesn’t exist in America or on this planet.

Jesus often spoke of this spiritual kind of kingdom, the kingdom of heaven. Every kingdom has a king, and every believer knows that Jesus is the King of this kingdom. But where's the gold? Where's the precious stones? What kind of King would end His career wearing a crown made of thorns?

Jesus offered another declaration for those who choose Him, a Declaration of Dependence. This dependence comes with freedom of a different kind, from the chains of a worldly life. The Sermon on the Mount was a radical Declaration of Dependence for anyone who would desire citizenship in the kingdom of heaven. In this kingdom, Jesus is King, and a crown of thorns represents Humility, this nation’s anthem.

The King’s Walk of Truth, Humility, Righteousness, Compassion, Justice and Mercy are the Articles of the Declaration. All citizens of this kingdom have a new set of rights to free the chains of pride and ego.

  • We have the right to be renounced, to be last, to decrease in stature, to become less so that our king can become greater.

  • We have a right to raise a cross of our own, a life of submission and humility.

  • Most of all, we have the right, nay, the privilege, to imitate the King. This King has even offered His own yoke to do the teaching and the guiding. Light and easy, it is, but only the renounced will be ready for this kind of training.

The Twenty Commands from the King’s new edict is the constitution to set up this declaration of dependence for its citizens.

Homeland Security takes on a whole new meaning as well. “Look to the birds, they neither reap nor sow, but your Father in heaven feeds them. Are you not worth more than they? The God whose clouds are dust at His Feet is our Homeland Security. He takes care of His own.

But He’s a jealous God. He won’t share with gold and precious stones that represent a prideful and self-gratifying life of vainglory (self-centered vanity). Aging in this kingdom comes with a place of honor and respect, and a head of gray hair is the prized crown of glory. Anyone who says differently does not understand this kingdom. Wisdom is found among the aged,

Peter called this kingdom a ‘holy nation’, a nation that is separate from all other nations, a nation that has no earthly dwelling place. Those in the kingdom of heaven are mere strangers and aliens on this planet, just passing through to produce spirit-fruit for a time.

Pontius Pilate asked a question to end all questions: “What shall I do then with Jesus said to be the Christ?” I would have answered him, “He’s either the King or He isn’t.”


